Najlepiej nie planuj nic. Nie przewiduj tysiąca możliwości opcji. Daruj sobie myślenie o tym, co będzie. Bo wiesz co? Od życia i tak dostaniesz akurat to, czego kompletnie się nie spodziewasz.
It is best not to plan anything. Do not anticipate a thousand possible options. Forgive yourself thinking about what will happen. Because you know what? From life and so you get just what you completely never thought possible.
Best not to plan anything. Do not provide the option of a thousand possibilities. Do not bother to think about what will be. Because you know what? Of life and so you get exactly what you do not expect completely.
Preferably do not schedule anything. Do not anticipate a thousand possibilities. Deal bountifully with your thinking about what is to come. Because you know what? From life and so you get what you're completely not expecting them.