. Czwartego stycznia wieczorem wyruszono od Wolsztyn. W Poznaniu pomag tłumaczenie - . Czwartego stycznia wieczorem wyruszono od Wolsztyn. W Poznaniu pomag angielski jak to powiedzieć

. Czwartego stycznia wieczorem wyru

. Czwartego stycznia wieczorem wyruszono od Wolsztyn. W Poznaniu pomagano przy organizacji różnych kompani powstańczych. Podczas podróży w Wielichowie podarowano ponad 100 karabinów ręcznych i dwa kulomioty. Po otrzymaniu karabinów zapanowała chęć walki i radość. Komendę sprawował Stelmachowski. W trylierce ruszono pod miasto. Niemcy zaczęli ich ostrzeliwać. Pomylili się jednak w obliczeniach, gdyż o zmroku przedarli się do miasta polami. Miasto okrążono z trzech stron. Wdarto się na rynek i opanowano ratusz. Walka w mieście trwała do godziny 10-tej. "Naszymi stratami było dwóch zabitych i kilku rannych" Po pewnym czasie otrzymano wiadomość, że Niemcy chcą pertraktować o rozjem. Rzekomo mieli opuścić miasto z bronią. Nie doszło jednak do tego, ponieważ w międzyczasie przyszła do nich pomoc w sile 200 chłopa pod Komendą Siudy. Z Wolsztyna wyruszyli z kompanią śmigielską pod Leszno, gdzie w walce z Lipnem zostałem ciężko postrzelony w płuca.
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Na język: angielski
Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
. The fourth January evening wyruszono from Wolsztyn. In Poznan, the large population of different insurgent companions. While traveling in Wielichowie received over 100 hand guns and two kulomioty. After receiving the rifles desire to fight terror and joy. Stelmachowski was command. In the trylierce ruszono into the city. Germany began their return fire. However, Romy Schneider in the calculation, because it forced their way at dusk the town fields. The town of okrążono on three sides. Wdarto on the market and we have organized. Fighting in last 10-th. "Our losses there were two dead and several wounded" after some time received news that Germany want to bargain with rozjem. Supposedly they had to leave the city with a gun. There was, however, that, because in the meantime came to aid them in their 200 peasant under the command of Siudy. From Wolsztyn travelled with the company śmigielską in Leszno, where in the fight against Lipnem was seriously wounded in the lungs.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
. On the fourth evening, she set sail in January of Wolsztyn. In Poznan helped in organizing various insurgent comrades. When traveling in Wielichowo donated to more than 100 hand guns and two machine guns. Upon receipt of the gun he prevailed desire to fight and joy. Stelmachowski exercised command. In trylierce they moved into the city. The Germans started shooting at them. They made a mistake in calculations, however, as dusk broke into the city fields. City okrążono on three sides. Wdarto on the market and mastered the town hall. Fighting in the city lasted until 10 o'clock. "Our losses were two killed and several injured" After some time, received the news that Germany wanted to negotiate with brightening. Supposedly they had to leave the city with a gun. But there was not this, because in the meantime came to them to help force of 200 peasants under the command Siudy. With Wolsztyna went with a company Śmigielska in Leszno, where the fight against Lipno was seriously wounded in the lungs.
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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
. the fourth january night wyruszono from wolsztyn. in poznan was helped by various organisations. powstańczych. during the travel in wielichowie given over 100 guns, hand and two kulomioty. after receiving the rifles was willing to fight and joy. command execute stelmachowski. in trylierce ruszono under the city. the germans started their shell.however, in the calculations were as twilight broke through to the city squares. the city okrążono from three sides. wdarto on market and the city hall. the fight in the city lasted for hours 10. " our losses were two killed and several wounded "after some time received news that germany wants to talk about rozjem. allegedly had to leave the city with a gun.however, this was not the case, because in the meantime came to their aid in a force of 200 men under the command of siudy. with wolsztyna left company śmigielską in leszno, where in the battle of lipnem i was badly shot in the lungs.
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