mam nadzieję, że plany nie uległy zmianie i jesteś w stanie spotkać się ze mną. Jeśli jednak nie możesz to będę w Breda miedzy 18-22 Maja. Może ten termin bardziej Ci pasuje?
I hope that the plans have not changed and you are able to meet up with me. However, if you can't then I'll be in Breda between 18-22 May. Can this term the more you fit?
I hope that the plans have not changed and you are able to meet me. However, if you can not, I'll be in Breda between 18-22 May. Perhaps this term more suitable for you?
i hope that the plans have not changed and are able to meet with me. however, if you can"t i in breda between 18 - 22 may. maybe this term more suits you?