ok. 6 litrów wody
1 duża lub 2 małe pomarańcze, podzielone na ćwiartki
125g soli kuchennej
3 łyżki czarnego pieprzu
1 bouquet garni (to zestaw ziół do aromatyzowania bulionów i duszonych potraw, zwykle związanych w pęczek. Składa się − w dowolnej kombinacji − np. z natki pietruszki, liści laurowych, tymianku, szałwii, rozmarynu, naci selera )
1 kawałek kory cynamonowej
1 łyżka nasion kminku
4 goździki
2 łyżki jagód ziela angielskiego
4 owoce anyżu
2 łyżki ziaren białej gorczycy
200g miałkiego cukru
2 cebule, obrane i pokrojone na ćwiartki
6cm kawałek kłącza imbiru, nieobrany pokrojony na 6 plasterków
4 łyżki syropu klonowego
4 łyżki płynnego miodu
średniej wielkości pęczek natki pietruszki (opcjonalnie, jeśli masz natkę pod ręką)
5 1/2 kg indyk
75g gęsiego smalcu lub masła
3 łyżki syropu klonowego
Sposób przyrządzenia:
"Wlej wodę do największego garnka, jaki masz, wiadra albo plastikowego pojemnika. Wyciśnij sok z ćwiartek pomarańczy wprost do wody, odrzuć skórki, a następnie dodaj wszystkie pozostałe składniki, rozpuszczając sól, cukier, syrop i miód w trakcie mieszania.
Usuń sznurek lub siatkę z indyka, wytrząśnij, usuń podroby, jeśli do tej pory nie zostały usunięte, i włóż je do lodówki (lub od razu wstaw na wywar do sosu), natomiast indyka zanurz w marynacie, dodając tyle wody, żeby był całkowicie zanurzony. Postaw w zimnym miejscu, nawet na dworze, na noc lub 1−2 dni przed upieczeniem, pamiętając, by dobrą godzinę wcześniej wyjąć ptaka z zalewy (i wytrzeć mięso do sucha papierowym ręcznikiem). Rozgrzej piekarnik do 200 C.
indykRoztop gęsi smalec (lub masło) z syropem klonowym na małym ogniu. Nasmaruj indyka taką glazurą przed wstawieniem do pieca i polewaj nią od czasu do czasu w trakcie pieczenia. Piecz 2 1/2 godziny.
Gdy stwierdzisz, że powinien być gotów, nakłuj go czubkiem ostrego noża tam, gdzie korpus łączy się z nogą. Jeśli wypłyną przezroczyste soki, możesz uznać, że czas pieczenia jest właściwy, jeśli zaś ciecz jest różowa, piecz dalej, aż będzie przezroczysta, ewentualnie użyj termometru do mięsa. Wyjmij indyka z piekarnika, owiń folią i odstaw na 20−40 minut albo dłużej, jeśli chcesz.
Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
10-16 SERVINGS at CHRISTMASOk. 6 liters of water1 large or 2 small oranges, divided into quarters125 g salt3 tbsp black pepper1 bouquet garni (a set of herbs for flavoring broth and stewed dishes, usually in a bunch. Consists-in any combination – for example. with parsley, bay leaf, thyme, Sage, Rosemary, celery)1 piece of bark cynamonowej1 tablespoon cumin seeds4 cloves2 tablespoons allspice berries4 the fruits of anise2 tbsp grain mustard white200 g of fine sugar2 onions, peeled and cut into quarters6 cm piece of ginger Rhizome, nieobrany cut into 6 slices4 tablespoons maple syrup4 tbsp liquid honeymedium size bunch parsley (optional, if you have the on hand)5 1/2 kg TurkeyFOR WATERING:75 g goose lard or butter3 tablespoons maple syrupPreparation:"Pour water to the pot, what you have buckets or plastic container. Squeeze the juice from the Orange quarters directly into the water, discard the skin, then add all the remaining ingredients, prepared by dissolving salt, sugar, syrup and honey while blending.Remove the twine or mesh with the Turkey, remove wytrząśnij offal, if so far have not been removed, and put them in the refrigerator (or immediately insert at decoction to the sauce), while Turkey in marinade, adding enough water to be completely immersed. Attitudes in a cold place, even outside overnight or 1-2 days prior to upieczeniem, bearing in mind that a good hour before remove the bird with marinade (and wipe with a paper towel to dry meat). Preheat oven to 200 c.indykRoztop goose lard (or butter) with maple syrup over low heat. Grease the Turkey glaze before inserting into the oven and polewaj it from time to time during the baking process. Bake 2 1/2 hours.When you find that you should be willing to, point it prick by a sharp knife where the body joins the leg. If they will leave clear juices, you can consider that the baking time is appropriate, and if liquid is pink, Cook until it will be transparent, or use a thermometer into the meat. Remove the Turkey from the oven, wrap with foil and leave for 20-40 minutes, or longer if you wish.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..

Wyniki (
angielski) 2:
10-16 servings Christmas party
approx. 6 liters of water
1 large or 2 small oranges, divided into quarters
125g salt
3 tablespoons black pepper
1 bouquet garni (a set of herbs to flavor broths and stewed dishes, usually bound in a bunch. It consists - in any combination - eg. With parsley parsley, bay leaves, thyme, sage, rosemary, press celery)
1 piece of bark cinnamon
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
4 cloves
2 tablespoons of berries allspice
4 fruits of anise
2 tablespoons of seeds of white mustard
200g caster sugar
2 onions, peeled and cut into quarters
6cm piece rhizome of ginger, unpeeled cut into 6 slices
4 tablespoons maple syrup
4 tablespoons liquid honey
medium-sized bunch parsley (optional, if you have parsley on hand)
5 1/2 kg turkey
for watering:
75g goose fat or butter
3 tablespoons maple syrup
Method :
"Pour water into the biggest pot I have, buckets or plastic container. Squeeze the juice of the quadrants of oranges into the water, discard the peel and then add all the remaining ingredients, dissolving salt, sugar, syrup and honey stirring.
Remove string or mesh with turkey, shake, remove giblets if you have not been removed, and put them in the refrigerator (or immediately put on the stock to the sauce), while turkey soak in the marinade, adding enough water so that he was completely submerged. Place in a cool place, even outdoors, at night or 1-2 days before baking, keeping in mind that a good hour earlier remove the bird from the pickle (and wipe the meat dry with a paper towel). Preheat oven to 200 C.
indykRoztop the goose lard (or butter) with maple syrup over low heat. Lubricate the glazed turkey before inserting into the oven and pour it from time to time during cooking. Bake 2 1/2 hours.
If you find that should be ready Prick him the tip of a sharp knife where the body connects to the leg. If you will leave clear juices, you may find that cooking time is appropriate, and if the fluid is pink, bake further until it is clear, possibly using a meat thermometer. Remove the turkey from the oven, wrap with foil and let stand for 20-40 minutes, or longer if you wish.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..

Wyniki (
angielski) 3:
10−16 portions at a christmas party. okay. 6 liters water
1 big or 2 small oranges, divided into quarters
3 spoons 125g common salt black pepper
1 bouquet garni (this set of herbs to flavour stocks and boiling food, usually resulting in a bundle. it consists - in combination - e.g. with natki parsley, bay leaves, thyme, sage, rosemary,leaf celery)
1 piece of bark cinnamon
1 spoon seeds of caraway
4 cloves
2 spoons berries weed english
2 spoons of white fruit, anise mustard
200g fine sugar
2 onions, peeled and sliced into quarters
6cm piece of rhizomes of ginger, nieobrany cut into 6 slices
4 tablespoons of maple syrup
4 spoons liquid honey.the average size of the bundle natki parsley (optional, if you natkę handy)
5 1 / 2 kg turkey
to watering: lard or butter
75g goose 3 spoons maple syrup
way of preparation:
"pour water into the pot, what the bucket or plastic container. squeeze juice of orange quarters into the water, throw the peeland then add all the other ingredients, by dissolving the salt, sugar, syrup and honey during mixing.
delete string or net with turkey, shake it out, remove the offal, if so far, not been removed and put them in the refrigerator (or immediately put on the decoction to sauce), while turkey dip in marinade by adding enough the water to be fully submerged. put it in a cold place.even outdoors, at night or 1-2 days before upieczeniem, bearing in mind that a good hour before remove bird stock (and wipe the meat dry paper towels). preheat oven to 200 c.
indykroztop geese lard or butter) of maple syrup to a simmer. a glazing grease turkey before the kiln and protect her from time to time during baking.cook 2 1 / 2 hours.
when you think should be ready, tap him a sharp knife where the body connects to the leg. if they clear juices, you can consider that the baking time is appropriate, and if the liquid is pink, it further, until translucent, or use the thermometer to the meat. remove the turkey out of the ovenwrap foil and put on 20−40 minutes or longer if you want.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..