Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. You must pay at tłumaczenie - Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. You must pay at angielski jak to powiedzieć

Hygiene is an indispensable attribu

Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. You must pay attention to not carry the bacteria and do not infect. Neglect of hygiene is a direct threat to a positive rating.

Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of any business. Pay attention to it not to transfer bacteria and infect the consumer. Neglect of health is a direct threat to the favorable opinion of companies.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. You must pay attention to not carry the bacteria and do not infect. Neglect of hygiene is a direct threat to a positive rating.Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of any business. Pay attention to it not to transfer bacteria and infect the consumer. Neglect of health is a direct threat to the favorable opinion of companies.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]

Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. You must pay attention to not carry the bacteria and do not infect. Neglect of hygiene is a direct threat to a positive rating. Hygiene is an indispensable attribute of any business. Pay attention to it not to transfer bacteria and infect the consumer. Neglect of health is a direct threat to the favorable opinion of companies.

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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
hygiene is an indispensable attribute of each company. you must pay attention to not carry the bacteria and not infect. neglect of hygiene is a direct threat to a positive rating.hygiene is an indispensable attribute of any business. pay attention to it not to transfer bacteria and infect the consumer. neglect of health is a direct threat to the favorable opinion of companies.
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