As I said my life was hard. My father went to Spain when I was 13 year tłumaczenie - As I said my life was hard. My father went to Spain when I was 13 year angielski jak to powiedzieć

As I said my life was hard. My fath

As I said my life was hard. My father went to Spain when I was 13 years old, my mom is sick she have arthritis, she have that since I was 10 years old. I had no money future nothing back home. I started relationship with my ex girlfriend when I was 15 this has ended last year. My mom was here she had 2 knee replacement surgeries she had to live with me. And I had to help her with everything.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
As I said my life was hard. My father went to Spain when I was 13 years old, my mom is sick she have arthritis, she have that since I was 10 years old. I had no money future nothing back home. And started a relationship with my ex girlfriend when I was 15 this has ended last year. My mom was here, she had two knee replacement surgeries she had to live with me. And I had to help her with everything.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
As I said my life was hard. My father went to Spain when I was 13 years old, my mom is sick she have arthritis, she That have since I was 10 years old. I had no money future nothing back home. I started relationship with my ex girlfriend when I was 15 this has ended last year. My mom was here she had two knee replacement surgeries she had to live with me. And I had to help her with everything.
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