Girlanda materiałowa wykonana z bawełny najwyższej jakości.
Składa się z 7 wielokolorowych trójkątów mocowanych na białym sznurku. Girlanda to doskonała ozdoba pokoju dziecięcego lub innego pomieszczenia. Można zawiesić ją na ścianie, przy oknie, łóżku. Idealnie sprawdzi się również, jako dekoracja, w czasie sesji fotograficznych, przedstawień czy przyjęć.
długość: 210cm posiada atest:
Oeko-TEX Certificate 2014,
EKOLABEL - produkt ekologiczny
wzory: różowy w kropki, biały, czarny w grochy, niebieski w kropki, niebieski w grochy.
Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
Garland textile made of cotton of the highest quality.It consists of 7 multi-colored triangles mounted on a white string. Garland is the perfect decoration of children's room or any other room. You can hang it on the wall, at the window. Ideally it will also, as a decoration at the time of the photo session representations or admissions.length: 210cmhttps:/// has the following certification: Oeko-TEX Certificate, 2014,EKOLABEL-ecological productdesigns: pink dots, white, black, blue, blue dots ^ at ^.
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Wyniki (
angielski) 2:
Garland made of cotton material of the highest quality. It consists of 7 multi-colored triangles mounted on a white cord. Garland is a perfect decoration child's room or another room. You can hang it on the wall, by the window, a bed. You can enjoy it also as a decoration during photo sessions, presentations and receptions. Length: 210cm has a certificate: Oeko-Tex Certificate 2014 EKOLABEL - organic product designs: pink dots, white, black polka-dot, blue dots, blue polka-dot.
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Wyniki (
angielski) 3:
garland material made of cotton quality.
consists of 7 wielokolorowych triangles fixed white string. garland is the perfect embellishment children's room or other enclosure. you can hang on the wall, window, bed. it will also, as decoration, during the photographic session, shows or parties.
length:6ft 11
https: / / / ui / v1 / icons / mail / images / cleardot.gifprodukt has a:
oeko - tex certificate 2014,
ekolabel - organic product
models: pink polka dot white, black peas, blue polka dot blue in peas.
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