Moze ktoś ci powie może i nie co się stało. Pamiętaj że jesteś w moim  tłumaczenie - Moze ktoś ci powie może i nie co się stało. Pamiętaj że jesteś w moim  angielski jak to powiedzieć

Moze ktoś ci powie może i nie co si

Moze ktoś ci powie może i nie co się stało. Pamiętaj że jesteś w moim sercu na zawsze. Ty o mnie zapomniesz. Może to była chwila spedzona dla mnie z tobą Ale zmieniłeś moje życie. Czułam się bezpieczna mialam dla kogo żyć. Chciałam cię wspierać i troszczyć się o ciebie. Pozwoliles mi uwierzyć w miłość ze mnie kochasz ze będziesz ze mną. Dlaczego? Zawsze będę przy tobie. Skrzywdziles mnie i to bardzo, bardzo to boli. Nie potrafiłam żyć bez ciebie. Za bardzo cię kochałam. Prosiłam cię żebyś mnie nie skrzywdził powiedziales że tego nie zrobisz. Przyszedł czas pożegnania. Pożegnanie na zawsze, bo zamkne oczy i nie wstane. Nie obwiniam cię za to... Tylko czemu pozwoliles mi cię kochać, czemu? Byłam zabawką w twoim życiu, kim? Dla mnie to już nie ważne. Teraz ty musisz odpowiedzieć sam sobie na te pytania. Chcialam sie spotkać i porozmawiać. Nie chciałeś powiedziałeś idź do diabła. Każdy mnie krzywdzi, teraz ty najważniejsza osoba w moim życiu. Ja już nie chce tego... Moje życie dzisiaj się urywa. Za miłość do ciebie oddaje życie. Teraz wierzysz że naprawdę cię kocham. Dbaj o siebie... A mieliśmy spędzić weekend razem... Spędzimy duchem będę z tobą cały czas. Nie będę już samolubna, teraz będę cię lepiej rozumiała. Lubiłam twoją rodzinę, mialam nadzieję że ty poznasz moją. Ale teraz już muszę odejść... Zamkną oczy. Ostatnie kocham cię. Zawsze będziesz w moim sercu. I ostatni buziak, usmiech,hug, rozmowa, wspomnienie. Boli Ale przestanie... Ty musisz żyć dalej. Ja już kończę, urywam swoje chore głupie i nie warte życie. Po co tak dalej mam tak cierpieć... Najpierw kocham a później skrzywdzić i zostawić w bólu. Nie chcę tego. Żegnaj moja miłości żegnaj przyjacielu. Teraz już jest dla mnie bez znaczenia czy mnie zablokujesz ja już nic nie czuje... Pisze to ze łzami w oczach.. nigdy wcześniej tego Nie zrobiłam.. to była prawdziwa miłość na którą tyle czekałam
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Can someone tell you maybe not what happened. Remember that you are in my heart forever. You forget about me. Maybe it was while spedzona for me with you But you have changed my life. I felt safe, I had to stay alive. I wanted to support you and care about you. Pozwoliles me believe in love with me you love with you will be with me. Why? I'll always be with you. Wronged me and it's very, very hurt. I could not live without you. I loved you too much. I asked you, you hurt me you said that you do not. It's time saying goodbye. Goodbye forever, because I'll close your eyes and do not do I get up. Do not blame you for it. But why pozwoliles I love you, why? I was a toy in your life who? For me it's not important. Now you need to answer these questions himself. I wanted to meet and chat in August. Did not want to say go to hell. Each me hurting, now you the most important person in my life. I do not want to ... My life today breaks. For love to you has. Now do you believe that I really love you. Take care of yourself ... And we had to spend the weekend together ... We spend the spirit will be with you all the time. I will not selfish, I understand you better now. I liked your family, I had a hope that you know my. But now I have to go ... Close your eyes. The last I love you. You will always be in my heart. And the last Kiss, smile, hug, talk, recollection. It hurts But stop ... You have to live on. I've already finish, I suddenly stop their sick dumb and not worth a life. Why so on I am so suffer ... First, I love and, later, hurt and in pain. I don't want it. Goodbye my love goodbye my friend. Now, to me, is whether you block me I've nothing feels ... He writes it with tears in his eyes. never before did not. It was a true love you so much I've been waiting
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Maybe someone will tell you can and not what happened. Remember that you are in my heart forever. You forgotten me. Maybe it was my moment spent with you But you changed my life. I felt safe, I had to live for. I wanted to support and take care of you. You let me believe in love in love with me you will be with me. Why? I'll be always by your side. You hurt me and it really, really hurts. I could not live without you. I loved you too much. I asked you, you do not hurt me, you said that you do not. The time has come to say goodbye. Farewell forever, because I close my eyes and I will arise. I do not blame you for it ... Just so you let me love you, why? I was a toy in your life, who? For me it's not important. Now you have to answer yourself these questions. She wanted to meet and talk. You did not want to say go to hell. Everyone hurts me, now you're the most important person in my life. I no longer want this ... My life today is cut off. For the love of you gives life. Now, you believe that you really love you. Take care of yourself ... And we had to spend the weekend together ... spend the spirit will be with you all the time. I will not be selfish, now I will better understand. I liked your family, I had hoped that you know me. But now I have to leave ... They lock eyes. Last I love you. You will be always in my heart. And last kiss, smile, hug, talk, memory. But the hurt will stop ... you have to live on. I already finish, I sneak their sick silly and not worth living. Why so on I have to suffer ... first love and then hurt and leave in pain. I do not want it. Goodbye my love goodbye my friend. Now it is for me no matter if you lock me I do not feel anything ... writes this with tears in my eyes .. never before that I did not do .. it was a real love you so much waiting
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
maybe someone will tell you maybe not what happened. remember, you are in my heart forever. i zapomniesz. maybe it was a moment we spent for me with you, but you changed my life. i felt safe, i had to live. i support you and care for you. you let me believe in love with me you love to be with me. why? i will always be with you. did you hurt me and it"s very, very painful. i couldn"t live without you. i loved you too much. i asked you to never hurt me, you said you wouldn"t do it. the time has come to say goodbye. goodbye forever, because i closed my eyes and i don"t get up. i don"t blame you for this. why you let me love you, why? i was a toy in your life who? for me it"s not important. now you have to answer these questions for yourself. i wanted to meet and talk. you didn"t say go to hell. everybody"s hurting me, now you the most important person in my life. i don"t want it... today my life ends. for love for you give life. now you believe that i really love you. take care of yourself... and we had to spend the weekend together. spend spirit be with you all the time. i will no longer be selfish, now i understand you better. love your family, i hope you know my. but now i have to go... close your eyes. last i love you. you"ll always be in my heart. and the last kiss, smile, hug, conversation, memory. but it hurts... you must live on. i am finishing, i blow your sick and stupid life. why so on i suffer so... first love and then hurt and leave the pain. i don"t want it. goodbye my love, goodbye, my friend. now it doesn"t matter to me whether block me i feel nothing... writes it with tears in his eyes. i"ve never done that before. it was love that so much waiting
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