Wyniki (
angielski) 3:
The last holiday i spent in England. Pojechałam there for 2 weeks to my colleagues. agate i got to camp. Long ago, I did not. To London poleciałam airplane from Poznan 2 hours. She lives in the main part of London. There I wanted to visit the main sights. First of wybrałysmy on purchases.There Byłysmy badzo long 5 hours and not zdążyłyśmy override all shops. Apparently didn't pużno poszyśmy so now to your home. I was tired but cousin told me to go to party with her friends. I got there and countless kids has a very cool girl. The events wróciłysmy very late.Not robiłysmy Nstępnego of nothing interesting poszłysmy wieczonem only for a walk with the dog. It is breed Golden Retriwer, has long sierśc color sponge cake. Goldii because yes, this dog is the name is a very nice.
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