Let me tell you about history which was six month ago. I have sat on t tłumaczenie - Let me tell you about history which was six month ago. I have sat on t angielski jak to powiedzieć

Let me tell you about history which

Let me tell you about history which was six month ago. I have sat on the bench when came me a big dog, bitten me and taken me sandwich. I was pissed off because this was my breakfast. I started chasing him. I ran behind him two kilometers and in the end it caught.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Let me tell you about the history which was six month ago. I have sat on the bench when came me a big dog, bitten me and taken me sandwich. I was pissed off because this was my breakfast. And started chasing him. I ran behind him two kilometers and in the end it caught.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Let me tell you about history which was six months ago. I have sat on the bench When came me a big dog bitten me and taken me sandwich. I was pissed off because this was my breakfast. I started chasing him. I ran behind him two kilometers and in the end it caught.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
Let me tell you about history check with : ldd 'which was six month ago. I have sat on the bench when came me a big dog, bitten me and taken me sandwich. I was pissed off because this was my breakfast. I started chasing him. AND healing behind him two kilometers and in the end it caught.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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Tłumaczenie narzędzie wsparcia: Klingoński, Wykryj język, afrikaans, albański, amharski, angielski, arabski, azerski, baskijski, bengalski, białoruski, birmański, bośniacki, bułgarski, cebuański, chiński, chiński (tradycyjny), chorwacki, czeski, cziczewa, duński, esperanto, estoński, filipiński, fiński, francuski, fryzyjski, galicyjski, grecki, gruziński, gudżarati, hausa, hawajski, hebrajski, hindi, hiszpański, hmong, igbo, indonezyjski, irlandzki, islandzki, japoński, jawajski, jidysz, joruba, kannada, kataloński, kazachski, khmerski, kirgiski, koreański, korsykański, kreolski (Haiti), kurdyjski, laotański, litewski, luksemburski, macedoński, malajalam, malajski, malgaski, maltański, maori, marathi, mongolski, nepalski, niderlandzki, niemiecki, norweski, orija, ormiański, paszto, pendżabski, perski, polski, portugalski, rosyjski, ruanda-rundi, rumuński, samoański, serbski, shona, sindhi, somalijski, sotho, suahili, sundajski, syngaleski, szkocki gaelicki, szwedzki, słowacki, słoweński, tadżycki, tajski, tamilski, tatarski, telugu, turecki, turkmeński, ujgurski, ukraiński, urdu, uzbecki, walijski, wietnamski, węgierski, włoski, xhosa, zulu, łaciński, łotewski, Tłumaczenie na język.

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