probowalem dwa razy przeslac spakowany ten plik wideo , za kazdym razem polaczenie sie rwie tuz przed koncem, jestem uparty bede probowal moze w nocy sie uda ...pozdrawiam i mysle i tesknie....
I tried twice to send the zipped file video, every time the connection in August tears just before the end, I'm stubborn I tried to maybe at night he goes ... and I think and I miss. ...
I tried twice to upload the compressed video, each time connection August tears just before the end, I'm stubborn I will try maybe at night he goes ... I greet and I think and I miss ....
i tried twice send packed this video file, every time an out right before the tears, i am stubborn, i was maybe at night can...pozdrawiam and think and i miss you.