Witaj Gerald!
Dziękuje za wiadomość! Za te uwagi, będę o nich pamiętał. Tak myślałem,że jesteś zajęty, nie szkodzi, że nieco później.
Ja sam teraz mam dużo pracy, szukam pracy stąd dopiero teraz mam czas by napisać. Miłe słowa napisałeś, tak się zawsze zastanawiałem jaki mam głos, zawsze lubiłem śpiewać wysoko, ale to trudne by nie dawać siły. Trudno mi było zawsze wydostać głos z siebie, teraz jest troche lepiej, Pięknie pomyśleć o chwili gdy ten głos będzie płynął. W muzyce gospel czuje, się taki wolny, chciałbym kiedyś śpiewać tak jako solista. Przyszłość jest myśle tajemnicą. Dziękuje raz jeszcze za Cenne uwagi Twoje! Cieszę się, że będziesz w Polsce! Gdyby tylko była możliwość się zobaczyć było by wspaniale! 6 lat temu bym o tym nawet nie pomyślał, wtedy jak prowadziłeś warsztaty w Rzeszowie.
Niebawem Boże Narodzenie!
Bratersko Pozdrawiam!
Tak ostatnio myśle, że Bóg nie tylko się Narodził, dał nam życie, ale też każdego dnia pragnie i mówi do nas, bo ma tak indywidualny plan na każdą chwile życia i zadanie na całe życie tu, tu na ziemi!
Przeżycia każdej chwili!
Dziękuje za wiadomość!
Za słowa i że jesteś tam gdzie jesteś!
Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
Welcome Gerald!Thanks for the post! For these comments, I'm going to remember about them. So I thought that you are busy, I don't mind that a bit later. I now have a lot of work, I am looking for a job here but now I have time to write. The kind words you wrote, so I always was wondering how I have a voice, I've always liked to sing high, but it's hard not to give strength. It's hard for me has always been to get out vote, now is a little better, think about the time when the vote will be floated. Gospel music feels so free, I used to sing as a soloist. I think the future is a mystery. Thank you again for Your valuable comments! I am glad that you will be in Poland! If only you were able to see it would be great! 6 years ago I wouldn't have even thought about it, then how you led workshops in Rzeszów.Soon Christmas!Bratersko Yours!So recently, I think that God not only born, gave us life, but also every day wishes and says to us, because it has such an individual plan for each moment of life and a job for life here on Earth!Experience every time!Thanks for the post!For the words and that you are where you are!I embrace!Krzysztof.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..

Wyniki (
angielski) 2:
Gerald Hello! Thank you for your message! For these comments, I will remember them. So I thought, you're busy, do not mind that a bit later. I myself now have a lot of work, looking for work here until now I have time to write. The kind words you wrote, so I've always wondered what my voice, I always liked to sing high, but it's hard not to give strength. It was hard to always get voice of yourself, now is a little better, beautiful to think of the moment when that voice will flow. In the gospel music he feels himself so free, I would like to someday sing as a soloist. I think the future is a mystery. Thank you once again for your valuable comments! I am glad that you will be in Poland! If only it was possible to see it would be great! 6 years ago I would not even have thought then as you led workshops in Rzeszow. Soon Christmas! Brotherly Yours! So recently I think that God not only be born, he gave us life, but also every day wants and says to us, because It has such an individual plan for every moment of life and a job for life here on earth! The experiences anytime! Thank you for your message! The words and that you are where you are! Hugs! Krzysztof.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..

Wyniki (
angielski) 3:
hello, gerald!
thank you for your message! in these comments, i will forget them. i thought that you were busy, no matter that a little later.
i now have a lot of work, looking for work here only now i have time to write. nice words you wrote, i always wondered what i have always liked singing voice, high, but it's hard not to give strength.i was always out voice of yourself, now is a little better, beautiful think of when the voice will be. music gospel feel so free, i'd like to sing as a soloist. i think the future is a mystery. thank you once again for your valuable comments! i'm glad you're in poland.if only she was able to see would be great! six years ago i didn't even think about it, then how led workshops in rzeszowie.
soon christmas!
brother greetings!
so lately i think god doesn't just was born, he gave us life, but also every day wants and says to us,because has the specific plan for every moments of life and job for life here on earth.
survival any time!
thank you for your message!
for words and that you are where you are!
i hug!
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