Wyniki (
angielski) 2:
2nd company commander Capt Pleszew. Kozłowicz set off from the battalion command of a company of a force of 60 soldiers to help Ostrow. December 31, 1918. He turned the phone from Ostrow to the command of the battalion Pleszewo further assistance, in order to liberate Krotoszyn. 1 battalion ordered the company to go under the command of Lieutenant. Pamina. With zeal and eagerly they moved towards the station. Under cover of night she arrived by train to Krotoszyn company. At the station already they acted guard soldiers of the 1st company of the insurgents Pleszew, who welcomed us cry of "Strategic, long live pleszewiacy". At 9 the company went old German barracks. After brief negotiations the Germans surrendered. The company cleared the city. After the liberation of the city, chose a three participants companies - Sergeant John Przybylski, Sergeant Seidel and ST. Number. Metelski - to the town hall and hung a national flag, declaring citizens that the city is in the possession of the insurgents. Residents on this sign also powywieszali Polish flags and portraits of national heroes. After the company returned to action on January 2 train by Jarocin to Pleszewa.
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