Jeśli jest coś, czego nie potrafimy zrobić wydajniej, taniej i lepiej niż konkurenci, nie ma sensu, żebyśmy to robili i powinniśmy zatrudnić do wykonania tej pracy kogoś, kto zrobi to lepiej niż my
If there is something you can not do more efficient, cheaper and better than competitors, it makes no sense for us to do it and we should hire to do this job, someone who will do it better than we do
If there is something you can not do better, cheaper and better than competitors, there is no point in doing it and we should hire to do the work of someone who will do it better than us
if there's something we can't do more efficiently, cheaper and better than competitors, it does not make sense, we have to do this work and we need to hire someone who can do it better than we do.