How are you doing today? I will like to meet you in person too, if you tłumaczenie - How are you doing today? I will like to meet you in person too, if you angielski jak to powiedzieć

How are you doing today? I will lik

How are you doing today? I will like to meet you in person too, if you are serious about me you can go and cancel your profile from the dating site i met you because i hate double dating and i want to cancel your profile on site when i met you.. haven't you canceled yours? If you really want to meet me and have interest in me.I want you cancel your profile if you really want to know me.. I want you to send the confirmation of your cancellation to me after you have done that. I hope you will do this? Hope to read from you soon. Your Love,Louisa
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
How are you doing today? I will like to meet you in person too, if you are serious about me you can go and cancel your profiles from the dating site and met you because i hate double dating and i want to cancel your profile on the site when i met you. haven't you canceled yours? If you really want to meet me and have interest in me. I want you to cancel your profile if you really want to know me. I want you to send the confirmation of your cancellation to me after you have done that. I hope you will do this? Hope to read from you soon. Your Love, Louis
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
How are you doing today? I will like to meet you in person too, if you are serious about me you can go and cancel your profile from the dating site and met you because i hate double dating and i want to cancel your profile on site when i met you .. have not you canceled yours? If you really want to meet me and have interest in me.I want you cancel your profile if you really want to know me .. I want you to send the confirmation of your cancellation to me after you have done that. I hope you will do this? Hope to read from you soon. Your Love, Louis
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
how are you doing today? i will like to meet you in person too, if you are serious about me you can go and cancel your profile from the dating site and met you because i hate double dating and want to cancel your profiles on site when i met you. haven"t you canceled yours? if you really want to meet me and have interest in me. i want you to cancel your profile if you really want to know me. i want you to send the confirmation of your cancellation to me after you have done that. i hope you will do this? hope to read from you soon. your love, louis
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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