nic specjalnego, wstałam, rano dostałam opuchlizny na oko więc pojechałam z Tatą i Magdą do szpitala na ostry dyżur, dostałam maść, obejrzeliśmy film i teraz zastanawiam się czy ogarnąć starego bloga
nothing special, I got up in the morning I got swelling in the eye so I went with my dad and Magda to the hospital in the ER, I was given a colour, we watched the movie and now I'm wondering whether to embrace the old blog
nothing special, I woke up in the morning I got swelling on the eye so I went with my Dad and Magda to a hospital emergency room, I got ointment, watched a movie and now I wonder if you embrace the old blog
nothing special, i woke up this morning, got your eye so i went with my dad to the hospital and magda for er, i got ointment, watched a movie, and now i wonder if my old blog