Yesss, pole dance is so challenging sport. At the beginnig I had so ma tłumaczenie - Yesss, pole dance is so challenging sport. At the beginnig I had so ma angielski jak to powiedzieć

Yesss, pole dance is so challenging

Yesss, pole dance is so challenging sport. At the beginnig I had so many bruises and muscle sores, but this is so beautiful... I found school on Praga, near to my office - Duende

and at the end, small gift, especially for You:
my choir :) W wish You pleasan listening, I wonder if You like it....
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Yes, the dance field is so challenging. At the beginnig and had so many bruises and muscle sores, but this is so beautiful ... I found school on Prague, near to my office-Duendeand at the end, small gift, especially for You:My choir:) In wish You listening pleasan, I wonder if You like it. ...
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Yesss pole dance is so challenging sport. At the beginnig I had so many bruises and muscle sores, but this is so beautiful ... I found a school of Prague, near to my office - Duende and at the end, small gift, Especially For You: We choir :) The wish You pleasan listening, I wonder if you like it ....

Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
Also YESSS, the dance is so challenging sport. At the beginnig I had so many bruises and muscle sores, but this is so beautiful ... I found this school on Prague, near my office - Duende

and at the end, small gift, especially for you:
my choir :) wish You pleasan listening, I wonder if you like it ....
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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