Chciałbym tak w ogóle się czegoś dowiedzieć. Dlaczego on wasz tak wkurza ( Oczywiście wiem , że jednym z powodów jest jego patriotyzm i jego teoria "Niko=Poles")
I would anyway like to learn. Why is he your so annoy (of course, I know that one of the reasons for his patriotism and his theory of the "Niko = Poles")
I would anyway to find out something. Why is he so annoy your (Of course I know that one of the reasons is his patriotism and his theory of "Niko = Poles")
I'd like to Yes in general to learn something. Why is your so wkurza ( of course I know, that one of the reasons for this is the patriotism and his theory "Niko=Poles")