Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
Hi Louisa.I will answer your questions.1 I'm single.2 works as a mechanic after work to do at home garden, I lead a life of eco.3 I've had some wonderful girls from Russia were for me someone special as a lover and friend in one will never forget those moments. They are educated, loving, are not arrogant great candidate on the wife.4 Bad discover with dating on the Internet is such that a lot of women faking someone else There is a lot of oszustek that do not themselves know what they want from mężczizny. Most dating sites I rate as successful.5 I have you full trust, only the umnie once betrayed Wraith trust cannot be rebuild a I'm already.I am a gentelmenem, and it's all what you wrote about yourself it considers to be the truth. Time will tell How to further develop our knowledge. Do not play to someone else's feelings.I am a man of settlement agreements, the more I can get along in every area.You are looking for a man for good and bad, life is not a fairy tale and the time it will show.
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