Wyniki (
angielski) 3:
cardiac arrest, another reason should immediately report to the hospital"s treatment of life-threatening heart rhythm changes, which may be a complication of a heart attack. these changes occur most frequently in a short time after the start of a heart attack. one of such problems is known as ventricular fibrillation, where the heart muscle suddenly start twitching, preventing pumping blood to the body and causing a heart attack. cardiac arrest can occur after a heart attack can also ordinary symptoms, appear without warning. the result of a heart attack may be loss of consciousness and fall. a heart attack should stop as soon as possible, because otherwise the patient dies. the defibrillator is a device for stopping fibrillation and restore a normal heartbeat. this apparatus is regulated by an electric shock or a series of electric shock to the heart. with the successful application, the defibrillator restores normal heartbeat, and enables the effective pumping blood. in order to achieve a successful outcome, the defibrillator should be applied as soon as possible after cardiac arrests. these devices are part of the special equipment, ambulances, are also available in some hospitals and clinics.
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