Hi Nathan. Thanks for your email. I read about your problem and I have tłumaczenie - Hi Nathan. Thanks for your email. I read about your problem and I have angielski jak to powiedzieć

Hi Nathan. Thanks for your email. I

Hi Nathan.
Thanks for your email. I read about your problem and I have answer.
Dance class is very difficult way. When I started my carrier I was scaring. I didn't have help for my parents. My pocket money wasn't enought because dance course was expanse. My grandmother helped me.I knew that from the first to the last day of the course it was my test of character and I passed !
Dance course is great experience! Member of dance group can feel better, be athletic and keep it for long time and meet new friends.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Hi Nathan. Thanks for your email. I read about your problem and I have the answer.Dance class is very difficult. When I started my carrier I was scaring. I didn't have help for my parents. My pocket money wasn't enough because dance course you expanse. My grandmother helped me. I knew that from the first to the last day of the course it was my test of character and I passed!Dance course is great experience! Member of dance group can feel better, be athletic and keep it for a long time and meet new friends.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Hi Nathan.
Thanks for your email. I read about your problems and I have answer.
Dance class is very difficult way. When I started my carrier I was scaring. I did not have help for my parents. My pocket money was not enought because dance course you expanse. My grandmother helped me.I knew that from the first to the last day of the course it was my test of character and I passed!
Dance course is great experience! Member of the dance group can feel better, be athletic and keep it for long time and meet new friends.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
hi, nathan.thanks for your email. i read about your problem and i have to answer.dance class is very difficult way. when i started my carrier and you scaring. i didn 't have help for my parents. my pocket money wasn't enought because dance course you expanse. we grandmother helped me. i knew that from the first to the last day of the course it was my test of character and i passed!dance course is great experience! member of the dance group can feel better, be athletic and keep it for a long time and meet new friends.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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