besides my woman. I dunno what ya got? dunnodon't wait for the knight  tłumaczenie - besides my woman. I dunno what ya got? dunnodon't wait for the knight  angielski jak to powiedzieć

besides my woman. I dunno what ya g

besides my woman. I dunno what ya got? dunno
don't wait for the knight in shining armor. His armor is shining because he has never been to war. Instead look for the knight with torn and tattered armor. He is one who knows to fight and is sure to be the one who can keep you safe from harm.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Besides my woman. I dunno what ya got? dunnodon't wait for the knight in shining armor. His armor is shining because he has never been to war. Instead look for the knight with torn and tattered armor. He is one who knows the fight and is sure to be the one who can keep you safe from harm.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
besides my woman. I dunno what ya got? dunno
do not wait for the knight in shining armor. His armor is shining because he has never been to war. Instead look for the knight with torn and tattered armor. He is one who knows this fight and is sure to be the one who can keep you safe from harm.
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Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
besides my woman. i dunno what ya got? dunnodon"t wait for the knight in shining armor. his armor is shining because he has never been to war. i look for the knight with torn and tattered armor. he is one who knows this fight and is sure to be the one who can keep you safe from harm.
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