Internal Audit executes the test programs defined above. Throughout th tłumaczenie - Internal Audit executes the test programs defined above. Throughout th angielski jak to powiedzieć

Internal Audit executes the test pr

Internal Audit executes the test programs defined above. Throughout this phase, test results are analyzed to determine if additional test work is required, or if no further testing is necessary to conclude on the sufficiency of the control environment. We ensure timely communication of issues arising as test work is executed. Issues are communicated, validated, and drafted with the customer as they are identified.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Internal Audit executes the test programs defined above. Throughout this phase, test results are analyzed to determine if additional test work is required, or if no further testing is necessary to conclude on the sufficiency of the control environment. We ensure timely communication of issues arising as the test work is executed. Issues are communicated, validated, and drafted with the customer as they are identified.
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Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Internal Audit Executes the test programs defined above. Throughout this phase, the test results are Analyzed this DETERMINE if additional test work is required, or if no further testing is Necessary is conclud on the sufficiency of the control environment. In the ensure Timely communication of issues Arising as test work is executed. Issues are communicated, validated, and drafted with the customer as they are IDENTIFIED.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
Internal Audit executes the test programs defined above. Throughout this phase, the test results are analyzed is unsure if additional test work is required, or if no further testing is necessary to conclude on the sufficiency of the control environment. EC ensure timely communication of issues arising as test work is executed. Issues are communicated, (CVD),And drafted with the customer as they are n.e.i. " is.
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