wczoraj była z Szymonem w kościele na pasterce i też widzieliśmy pełnie księżyca. jak twoja rodzina.. w niedzielę o 14 30. wyjeżdzam jutro o 15. nie idziesz do pracy?
yesterday was from Simon, the lights of the Church, and also we saw the full moon. as your family. on Sunday 14 30. I was leaving tomorrow at 15. do not you go to work?
Yesterday was with Simon in the church at midnight and also saw a full moon. like your family .. Sunday at 14 30. I'm leaving tomorrow at 15.'re not going to work?
yesterday was with simon in the church for mass, and also saw the full moon. like your family. on sunday 14 30. i'm leaving tomorrow at 3:00. aren't you going to work?