Postaraj się uwolnić od negatywnych ludzi.Pozwól odejść tym, którzy ju tłumaczenie - Postaraj się uwolnić od negatywnych ludzi.Pozwól odejść tym, którzy ju angielski jak to powiedzieć

Postaraj się uwolnić od negatywnych

Postaraj się uwolnić od negatywnych ludzi.
Pozwól odejść tym, którzy już odeszli.
Daj tym, których nie znasz równie szanse.
Okazuj wszystkim szacunek i dobro.
Akceptuj ludzi takimi jakimi są.
Zachęcaj i wspieraj innych.
Bądź doskonały w swojej niedoskonałości.
Rób małe rzeczy dla innych codziennie.
Zawsze bądź lojalny.
Utrzymuj lepszy kontakt z ludźmi na których Ci zależy.
Dotrzymuj obietnic i mów prawdę.
Dawaj to co chcesz otrzymywać.
Mów co uważasz i uważaj co mówisz.
Pozwól innym podejmować swoje decyzje.
Mów trochę mniej i słuchaj o wiele więcej.
Odpuść małostkowe sprzeczki.
Dbaj o swój związek sam ze sobą.
Zwracaj uwagę no to kto jest Twoim prawdziwym przyjacielem.
Ignoruj niekonstruktywne i raniące komentarze.
Życie nie jest bajką więc zawsze bądź gotowy do walki, ale jej nie wszczynaj a zasada jest prosta.
Nigdy nie oszukuj kogoś, kto Ci zaufał i nigdy nie ufaj komuś, kto Cię oszukał.
Z czasem zrozumiesz, że są ludzie którzy będą z Tobą, ponieważ jesteś taki jaki jesteś, a także są ludzie którzy odejdą od Ciebie, ponieważ nie zechcesz być taki, jak oni.
Że od tyłu?
Że wiadomo, że od zaplecza?
… No miła pani, tylko bez zbytecznej pryderiii.
Na zdjęciu pies tottik, obecnie przebywa we francji… No tak, ale miałam pisać o
koszulkach… No tak… Zaraz powiesz, że wszystko robie na kolanach..
A on na to, warkocz mała, warkocz, a ona “Wrrrr”, ale ja zdecydoanie wole Wuf wuf.
Tylko teraz dylemat, powiedzieć mu o klapsach?
Co mówisz?
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Try to break free from negative people.Let go of those who already are retired.Let those whom you do not know as opportunities.Show all respect and good.Accept people as they are.Encourage and support others.Or perfect in their imperfections.Do little things for others every day.Always be loyal.Maintain better contact with people you care about.Keep promises and tell the truth.Give what you want to receive.Say what you think and be careful what you say.Let others make their decisions.Talk less and listen more.Forgive our petty arguments.Take care of your relationship with yourself.Look well, who is your real friend.Ignore non-constructive and hurtful comments.Life is not a fairy tale so always be ready to fight, but did not initiate and the principle is simple.Never try to fool someone who You trusted and never trust someone who cheated You.With time you will understand that there are people who will be with you, because you are so what you are, and there are people who go away from you, because you don't want to be like them.477-484That from the back?That it is known that the backend?… Well, nice lady, just without unnecessary pryderiii.In the picture the dog tottik, currently residing in France. Well, Yes, but I had to write aboutshirts ... Well, Yes ... As soon as you say that I am doing everything on your lap.And he, braid a small braid, and she "Wrrrr", but I prefer zdecydoanie Jfas jfas.Only now the dilemma, tell him about a disciplinary spanking?What do you say?
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Try to get rid of negative people.
Let go of those who have departed.
Give to those who do not know as opportunities.
Demonstrate all respect and good.
Accept people as they are.
Encourage and support others.
Be perfect in its imperfection.
Do the little things for others every day.
Always be loyal.
Keep better contact with the people you care about.
Keep your promises and tell the truth.
Give me what you want to receive.
say what you think and be careful what you say.
Let others make their decisions.
Speak a little less and listen for much more.
Forgive petty squabbles.
Take care of your relationship with yourself.
Pay attention well then who is your true friend.
Ignore unconstructive and hurtful comments.
Life is not a fairy tale so always be ready to fight, but did not initiate a principle is simple .
never lie to someone you trust and never trust someone who you cheated.
In time you will understand that there are people who will be with you, because you are as you are, and there are people who go away from you, because you do not want to be like them.
that behind?
they know that behind the scenes?
... Well, nice lady, but without unnecessary pryderiii.
Pictured dog tottik currently resides in France ... Well, yes, but I had to write about
the shirt ... Well ... I'll say that everything I do on my knees ..
and he said, a small braid, braid, and she "wrrrr" but I decidedly crop Wuf JFAs.
only now the dilemma, tell him about the disciplinary spanking?
What do you say?
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
try free from negative people.let go of those who are already gone.give me that, you do not know as all respect and good.accept people for who they are.encourage and support perfect in its little things for others every day.always be loyal.keep better contact with the people that you care about.keep your promises and tell the truth.give me what you want to receive.say what you mean and mean what you say.let others make their less and listen more.let petty squabbles.take care of your relationship with attention well, who is your real friend.ignore niekonstruktywne and hurtful is not a fairy tale, so always be prepared to fight, but don"t start and rule is simple.never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who cheated you.with time, you"ll understand that there are people who will be with you, because you are the way you are, and they are also people who go away from you, because you don"t want to be like them.477 - 484from the back?i know that from the back?well madam, just without unnecessary the picture the dog tottik, currently in france... yeah, but i had to write aboutshirts... yeah... i"ll tell you everything i do on my knees.and he, braid small plait, and she "grrr", but i prefer zdecydoanie woof woof.just now you tell him about klapsach?what are you talking about?
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Inne języki
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